Farmingdale Presbyterian Church Leadership
Within the Presbyterian Church, the primary governing body is the local church Session. It is a representative body made up of the Teaching Elders (Pastors) and Ruling Elders in active service. Our Session is moderated by the pastor, and consists of nine (9) ruling elders elected for staggered terms of three (3) years. The monthly meetings are recorded and reported by the person serving as Clerk of Session. The Session is responsible for the mission and governance of the church. The Congregation is encouraged to bring their ideas and concerns to the Session.
Ministry Areas:
Worship, Church Life, Christian Education, Missions, Stewardship, Building and Grounds,
Why Elders?
The Presbyterian Church from its beginnings has placed great emphasis on leadership of laypersons, both as reflecting the will of God for the church and as essential for the vitality of the church. Elders consent to serve because they love our church and wish to do their part in serving it. It is helpful if Elders find satisfaction in their service to the church. For this reason, we must clearly communicate with our Elders so issues are known and addressed.